Aberley is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Aberley
No. of characters: 7
Origin: England

The variant form of the Applebee. The county of town of Westmoreland; also parishes in counties Leicester and Lincoln.

Is a form of Appleby. One who came from Appleby or a homestead where apples grew. The name of several places in England.

Aberley is a variant of the Appleby. Apple or fruit dwelling.

The Aberley is variant form of Uppleby. Anciently Applebie.

The lastname Aberley is variation of Appelby. The county of town of Westmoreland; also parishes in counties Leicester and Lincoln.

The is the form of Uppleby. A Lincolnshire family. The surname has been variously written De Epulbie, Upplebaie, and Appleby, which last is supposed to be the most correct form. One of the places called Appleby is situated in Lincolnshire.

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