The history of German last names is a fascinating topic. For many people, their last name is a reflection of their heritage and family history. German last names have a long and rich history dating back to the early days of the country.

Some of the most common German last names are Mueller, Schmidt, Weber, and Hoffmann. These names are derived from occupations such as miller, blacksmith, weaver, and innkeeper. Other common German last names include Bauer (farmer), Koch (cook), and Schulz (schoolteacher).

German last names can also be taken from places where families lived or owned land. For example, the name "Bach" comes from the German word for "stream," while "Wald" means "forest." Sometimes, German last names are even taken from the words for physical features like "Eck" (corner) or "Berg" (mountain).

Over time, many German families changed their last names to fit in with their new countries after emigrating. Today, there are millions of people around the world with German last names. Have a look at this list of German last names.

A'Hern Aatz Abberger Abeler Abeling Abelmann Abeln Abend Abheiden Abold Abshier Achatz
Achatzi Achilles Achim Achmann Acht Achtmann Ackermann Ackfeld Adamczewski Adamczewski Adameck Adameit Adamek Adamietz Adamitz Adamme Addam Ademes Adenauer Adler Adlung Adomat Adomeit Aeberhard Aeckerle Aehling Aff Affeldt Agaoglu Agater Agsten Agster Agthe Ahland Ahlbach Ahlborn
Ahlbrecht Ahlemann Ahlert Ahlheim Ahlhelm Ahlvers Ahne Ahner Ahnert Ahrend Ahrendt Ahrweiler Ahuis Aichele Aicher Aichert Aichinger Aichman Airich Aisener Akca Akkerman Albat Alberg Albus Alder Aldinger Aleman Alemanha Alemania Alfers Algermissen Alich Allers Allert Allgaier Allmendinger Almanya Alscher Altens Alter Altmann Altmeier Altmeyer Alwert Amande Ambache Amberg
Amberger Ambrosius Ambrossi Amelung Ammon Amrhein Amthor Amthor Anacker Andersch Andra Andrae Andreae Andreas Andrechek Andreessen Andris Andrusyak Andrusyak Angenendt Angerer Angermann Anhorn Anja Anker Anlauf Anselm Ansorg Ansorge Anthes Antweiler Anzinger Apelt Apfelbach Apitzsch Apler Appelmann Appen Appenheimer Appich Appolt Apweiler Archut Arends Arendse Arenz Aretz Argast Armin Arnds Arning Arnol Arns Arnz Arp Artelt Artz Arweiler Arzen Arzt Asberg Asche Aschel Ascher Aschoff Ashauer Assche Asshauer Assion Astraus Athmer Atschak Attenberger Attner Au Aubele Auberg Auburger Auchter Auerbach Auerswald Auffermann Augner Augst
Augstein Augsten August Augustin Aul Aulbach Aumann Aumer Auras Aurich Aurr Aürre Aus Ausmeier Aussem Austen Austerman Austrup Autenrieth Autermann

Last Names by Countries

Afghans Algerian Albanian Angolan Argentines Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bangladeshi Belarusian Belgian Benin Bolivian Bosniak Brazilian British Bulgarian Burkinab Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Congolese Danish Dominican Republic Ecuadorian Egyptian Ethiopian Finn French Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Guatemalan Hungarian Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Japanese Kazakh Kenyan Latvian Lebanese Lithuanian Macedonian Malaysian Mexican Moroccan Mozambican Nepali Netherland Nigerian Norwegian Pakistani Peruvian Filipino Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Saudi Arabian Serbian Slovak Slovenes South African Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss Syrian Tanzanian Tunisian Turkish Ugandan Ukrainian US-American Uzbek Venezuelan Vietnamese Zambian Zimbabwean