Aichman is used as a family name or surname in Scotland, Germany. It is 7 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Aichman
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Scotland, Germany
Family name Aichman is variant of Eichmann. Dweller near an oak tree.
Aichman is a variation of Aikman. Ac is the Anglo-Saxon and Aik the Scottish for oak, and the families of this name bear inter alia an oak-tree in their arms. The surname however is probably a modification of Akerman, or of the Domesday, Agemund.
How popular is Aichman?
Aichman is ranked 14336368 on our list.
Immigrants to US
From Germany
Farmer Franz Aichman from Germany aboard the Statesman from Antwerp. He is registered to be 20 years old when he arrived in USA on November 15, 1853. 23 years old Ludwig Aichman, are others that migrated to US.
Related Family Names:
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- Aichane (Morocco)
- Aichaoui (Algeria)
- Aicharman (England, Netherlands)
- Aichbauer
- Aichberger
- Aichbichler
- Aiche (Algeria)
- Aichele (Germany)
- Aicher (Germany)
- Aichert (Germany)
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