Amthor is used as a family name or surname in Germany. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Amthor
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Germany

The surname is the form of Torr. In the West of England, a craggy eminence, or more generally a hill. Places specifically so called are Tor-Abbey, Tor-Bryan, and Tor-Quay, all in Devonshire, De la Tor is the Hundred Rolls form.

A variation of Thornes. The name is local, from Thornes in the parish of Shenstone, in the county of Stafford, where Robert, son of Roger de la Thorne, was resident early in the fourteenth century.

Amthor is the form of Thurn. Of tower and badger. The Prince de Tour et Taxis, as styled in French, carries in his Arms a tower and a badger.

Amthor is variant of Thorne. Dweller near a thornbush.

At the gate.

Amthor is a variant form of the Toren. Of the tower.

Amthor is variation of Thorn. Parishes and places in counties York, Somerset, and Northumberland. There are also many trivial localities so called, in many counties. In Anglo-Saxon charters, thorn-trees frequently occur as boundary-marks, which from the great longevity of the tree is quite natural; and the word enters into the composition of numerous place-names. In medieval writings, the surname Thorn is latinized De Spineto, spinetum being equivalent to "a bushy place," or thicket of thorns and brambles, anglicè a Spinney, whence that surname. There have doubtless been several families of this name. The most important one were the Norman Thorns of Thorn-Falcon, and Thorn St. Margaret, in Somersetshire, who held under Drogo, of the castle of Dunster, and gave lands to Taunton Priory. Domesday Fromthem seem to have branched off the Thorns of Devon, Yorkshire, Kent, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Northamp tonshire, etc. At Minster, in the Isle of Thanet, county of Kent, one of the ancient abodes of the family, on a tomb of one of the female members, of about the date of Edward I, is this legend :-
(Here lies Edila de Thorne , who was lady of the Thorne)

In a list of persons who gave landsand slaves to Meaux Abbey, county of York (Cott. MS. Vitell, Cvj, and referring to circ. A.D. 1300) is this entry: "Walter, son of Peter de Spine to (Thorn) gave us, with his own body to be buried in our house, one ox-gang of land at Hornsburton, and Henry, the son of Simon the tenant, and all his belongings." — "Walterus filius Petri de Spineto dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, unam bovatam terre in Horns burtone, et Henricum filium Symonis ipsam tenentem cum sequela sua." The last who used the latinized name was Sir Guy de Spineto, lord of Coughton, whose heiress married Throgmorton. This personage was sometimes gallicized to Sir Guy de la Spine. John Thorne, abbot of Reading, a member of this family, who became historical from the fact of Henry VIII's having starved him into a good appetite, and charged him a hundred pounds for the operation, used the motto-

His kinsmen, Robert and Nicholas, benefactors to Bristol, were painted by Holbein, and the corporation, in gratitude, placed over the picture of the latter the unscriptural legend: Ex SPINIS UVAS COLLEGI MIS- "We have gathered grapes from Thorns?" The motto over Sir Robert, the father, is
"Spina vocor, superest tribuatur gloria danti
Quæ bona pauperibus Spina dat esse Deo."

Thorne is sometimes derived from an Anglo-Saxon personal name. An individual called Simon, the son of Thorne, was lord of the manors of North Allerton and Todwick (Elreton and Todeswick) in Yorkshire, at the time of the Conquest. These manors William seized, and gave them, together with Simon's daughters, in marriage to three of his followers - one of the young ladies being assigned to Humphrey, his man-at-arms; another to Raoul, called Tortes-mains; and the third to an esquire, Guillaume de St. Paul. Thierry's Norm. Conq.

How popular is Amthor?

As per 2010 US census, number of Amthors plummeted by 0.31 per cent to 320 since 2000 and slipped by 3532 spots and ranked at 62531. The last name was found in around 1 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 94.38 94.08
Hispanic or Latino 4.06 3.43

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Friedrich Amthor worked as cooper and hailed from See Saxony Weimar Eisenach (199). 22 years old embarked for New York from Hamburg on Leibnitz and arrived on October 5, 1852. Ludwig Amthor (20) Clerk, Mason Reinh. Amthor, 17 years old Carolina Amthor, Carl Amthor (26) Bookbinder, 26 years old Auguste Amthor, Auguste Amthor (26) Undefined code, Casp. Amthor (65) Farmer, Catherine Amthor (50), and 21 other Amthor around 40% of whom were farmer while others worked as laborer migrated to US from Hamburg & Southampton, Bremen, Antwerp, Bremen & Havre and Liverpool.

Amthor Namesakes

  • Terry K. Amthor, Game designer
  • Silke Amthor, Author

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