Ackarmand is used as a family name or surname in England, Netherlands. It is 9 characters long in length.
The lastname Ackarmand is a form of Akerman. Anglo-Saxon. Æcer-mon, a fieldman, farmer, ploughman, clown. Bosworth, The German Ackermann, naturalized amongst us, has precisely the same signification. The forms in the Hundred Rolls are Akerman, le Akermon, le Akermannes, Acherman, and le Acreman. Sometimes the Akermanni were a peculiar class of feudal tenants, the tenure of whose lands is uncertain, as it is stated that the lord could take them into his own hands when he would, yet without injury to the hereditary succession. These holdings were very small, consisting in some instances of five acres only. Hale's St. Paul's Domesday, 'Agricola, acer-man."
Ackarmand is the variant form of the Ackerman. Farmer.
Ackarmand is the variant of Ackerman. One who plowed the lord's land and tended his plow teams.
The variation of Akerman. One who plowed the lord's land and tended his plow teams.
Surname Ackarmand is a variant of Ackermann. See under Akerman - Anglo-Saxon. Æcer-mon, a fieldman, farmer, ploughman, clown. Bosworth, The German Ackermann, naturalized amongst us, has precisely the same signification. The forms in the Hundred Rolls are Akerman, le Akermon, le Akermannes, Acherman, and le Acreman. Sometimes the Akermanni were a peculiar class of feudal tenants, the tenure of whose lands is uncertain, as it is stated that the lord could take them into his own hands when he would, yet without injury to the hereditary succession. These holdings were very small, consisting in some instances of five acres only. Hale's St. Paul's Domesday, 'Agricola, acer-man."