Ado is used as a family name or surname in Nigeria. It is 3 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Ado
No. of characters: 3
Origin: Nigeria
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Ado

How popular is Ado?

Ado is common in Nigeria.

Ado is ranked 11168 on our list.

Ado is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Niger which signifies that it is originated from Niger. Around 48025 people have been found who wears Ado as their family name. Ado is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
7,022 Senegal7
5,340 Iceland6
10,202 Egypt5
2,966 Benin4
11,480 Japan4
8,689 Pakistan4
214,847 Australia4
19,452 Malaysia3
3,041 Democratic Republic of The Congo3
24,547 Saudi Arabia3
67,494 South Africa3
90,215 Germany3
10,211 Bulgaria2
95,312 Argentina2
65,594 Belgium2
1,136 Mali2
54,641 Sweden2
5,300 Syria2
20,595 China2
41,879 Turkey2
52,939 United Arab Emirates2
28,083 Romania2
10,284 Kuwait2
29,774 Venezuela1
1,572 Macau1
801 Cape Verde1
2,333 Montenegro1
2,196 Liberia1
8,828 Puerto Rico1
31,584 Peru1
11,486 Estonia1
6,149 Ethiopia1
31,207 Ireland1
37,493 Austria1
20,172 Hungary1
734 Chad1
42,479 Greece1
24,176 Qatar1
2,505 Congo1
47,891 Norway1
38,841 Scotland1
624 Solomon Islands1
510 East Timor1
81,201 Switzerland1
5,872 Namibia1
5,553 Taiwan1
38,830 Morocco1
4,435 Togo1
14,644 Tunisia1
1,005 The Gambia1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
55,100 Spain33
10,383 Burkina Faso20
69,202 Netherlands18
133,639 Canada18
29,040 Denmark15
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
202,447 United States91
6,658 Uruguay73
85,668 Italy56
Countries with hundreds of Ado:
14,298 Indonesia847
1,582 Portugal453
1,717 Bosnia424
7,351 Cameroon396
11,492 Kenya392
30,009 France331
7,729 Ghana320
13,215 Mexico314
22,489 Tanzania182
40,243 England102
Countries with thousands of Ado:
4,675 Brazil3,005
709 Angola3,001
1,251 Ivory Coast2,046
27,978 India1,343
11,573 Philippines1,289
Countries with ten thousands of Ado:
143 Niger16,957
1,549 Nigeria16,201
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

During the great famine, 18 years old workman Margt. Ado and 15 years old immigrant Eliza Ado who were residing in Great Britain migrated to USA on April 5, 1847 by Patrick Henry put out from Liverpool.


Lynsey Blattner
Ado is a name derived from ade, former Christian name and surname of Germanic origin, derived from the noble adal root is originally a nickname that evoked the social rank of a no one .

Ado Namesakes

  • Mustapha Adouani, Actor
  • Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, King of Sweden
  • Adèle Ado, Actress
  • Adnan Adous, Soccer player
  • Adèle Ado, Actress
  • Abdullah Ado, Actor
  • Ibrahim Ado-Kurawa, Author
  • Johanna Ado Girirpio, Actress
  • lbrahim Ado-Kurawa, Author
  • Patience A. Ado, Author

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