Ailiboom is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 8 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Ailiboom
No. of characters: 8
Origin: England

Ailiboom is variant form of Allibone. A corruption probably of Hallibourne, i.e., Holy-bourne.

Ailiboom is the variant of Allbones. Perhaps a corruption of Aldbourne. So Hollowbone from Holybourne. The personal name Alban may, however, be the source.

The family name is a variant of Allibone. All good. The name Johannis Allibon appears in a list of the gentry, county of Great Britain, Derby in 1433.

Lastname Ailiboom is the variant form of the Albon. Alban, a personal name, borne by the proto -martyr of England.

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