Aillume is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 7 characters long in length.
Aillume is variation of Halling. A parish in Kent.
Family name Aillume is a variant of Hallam. There are parishes so called in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, and that part of the West Riding of the latter county which contains the parishes of Sheffield and Ecclesfield is known as Hallamshire.
A variant form of Alum. See Hallam - There are parishes so called in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, and that part of the West Riding of the latter county which contains the parishes of Sheffield and Ecclesfield is known as Hallamshire.
Aillume is form of Hallam. One who came from Hallam or Halam meaning "corner or remote valley," the names of several places in England.
Form of Allom. See Hallam - There are parishes so called in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, and that part of the West Riding of the latter county which contains the parishes of Sheffield and Ecclesfield is known as Hallamshire.
A variant of the Allum. See Hallam - There are parishes so called in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, and that part of the West Riding of the latter county which contains the parishes of Sheffield and Ecclesfield is known as Hallamshire.