Albamonte is used as a family name or surname in Argentina. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Albamonte
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Argentina
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Albamonte

How popular is Albamonte?

Albamonte is common in Argentina.

Albamonte is ranked 179687 on our list.

Albamonte is not so popular last name but still a prevalent surname concentrated mainly in Argentina which may be its originating country too. Around 1985 people have been found who wears Albamonte as their family name. Albamonte have bearers in many countries around the world. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
381,097 Ukraine4
20,837 Venezuela2
2,715 Gabon1
277,603 France1
279,271 Australia1
62,864 New Zealand1
289,511 England1
10,683 Cyprus1
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
205,908 United States89
41,736 Spain51
Countries with hundreds of Albamonte:
16,968 Italy616
69,781 Brazil127
Countries with thousands of Albamonte:
4,769 Argentina1,090

Immigrants to US

From Italy

41 years old tailor Aristide Albamonte who was residing in Italy migrated to Brooklyn on October 31, 1895 by Alesia put out from Marseilles & Naples. Davide Albamonte (39) Druggist, 38 years old Dco. Albamonte, Felice Albamonte (25) Peasant, Giuseppe Albamonte, Pietro Albamonte (31) Laborer, 14 years old Salvatore Albamonte, Silvio Albamonte, aged 16, are others that migrated to US.


Leigh Rudie
Albamonte is an Italian or Corsican family name, meaning White Mountain, derivative albablancet up montagneNom of locality, now from name, designating the originating Albamonte.

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