Alice is used as a family name or surname in Brazil. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Alice
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Brazil
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Alice

How popular is Alice?

Alice is common in Brazil.

Alice is ranked 10481 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Alices plummeted by 11.98157 per cent to 382 since 2000 and slipped by 7815 spots and ranked at 54055. The last name was found in around 1 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 65.18 70.97
Black 18.32 11.06
Hispanic or Latino 10.47 12.44
Others 2.88 0
Alice is quite popular family name mostly used in Brazil while Rwanda is ahead in terms of density. Around 51268 people have been found who wears Alice as their family name. Alice is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
78,633 Czech Republic9
6,940 Japan8
9,053 Senegal5
2,966 Benin4
2,279 Democratic Republic of The Congo4
10,762 Hungary3
3,818 Zambia3
7,294 Kuwait3
26,321 Israel3
3,437 Sudan2
54,641 Sweden2
1,136 Mali2
2,617 Cambodia2
706 Burundi2
24,269 Peru2
15,591 Burkina Faso2
459 Cape Verde2
5,859 Mauritius2
12,844 Pakistan2
1,848 Madagascar2
4,231 Jamaica2
9,272 Ecuador2
17,547 Colombia2
11,486 Estonia1
846 American Samoa1
1,572 Macau1
12,745 Luxembourg1
2,078 Lesotho1
12,270 Lebanon1
16,073 Latvia1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
3,350 Fiji1
2,232 French Polynesia1
2,715 Gabon1
50,307 Saudi Arabia1
50,549 Georgia1
19,810 Croatia1
2,037 Cayman Islands1
34,581 Chile1
2,613 The Bahamas1
2,211 Brunei1
799 British Virgin Islands1
7,110 Bosnia1
2,361 United States Virgin Islands1
573 Vanuatu1
2,374 Bermuda1
8,430 Northern Ireland1
24,460 Armenia1
2,505 Congo1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
2,057 Myanmar1
10,190 Bahrain1
37,779 Serbia1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
198,575 Russia46
24,028 United Arab Emirates38
15,412 Denmark34
8,504 Ireland33
8,720 Qatar29
60,950 Spain28
23,443 Norway26
153,005 Ukraine22
4,647 Thailand21
7,545 Nigeria20
18,457 Scotland20
3,334 Costa Rica19
55,829 Zimbabwe16
2,892 Iceland13
5,704 Guyana11
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
19,607 Greece98
7,953 New Zealand90
28,801 Netherlands84
20,785 Belgium82
45,171 Tanzania73
Countries with hundreds of Alice:
2,489 Romania960
496 Taiwan927
1,206 Portugal683
8,817 Argentina612
25,252 Philippines516
13,209 South Africa475
13,246 Algeria446
63,185 India432
14,443 England403
844 Hong Kong320
34,330 Germany303
17,962 Morocco268
24,716 Turkey210
19,046 Mexico183
15,023 Australia178
23,681 Canada147
2,817 Singapore124
69,459 Indonesia123
9,988 Switzerland117
12,545 Austria105
Countries with thousands of Alice:
1,067 Uganda5,975
387 Rwanda4,420
4,229 Italy2,475
1,571 Cameroon2,280
1,030 Vietnam2,186
1,542 Mozambique2,063
1,251 Ivory Coast2,046
3,165 Kenya1,805
1,059 Angola1,801
18,750 United States1,732
6,085 France1,408
2,313 Malaysia1,138
2,782 Ghana1,118
Countries with ten thousands of Alice:
1,277 Brazil12,386
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

Immigrant Rachl. Alice from Ireland aboard the Enterprise from Liverpool during the Irish famine. She is registered to be 24 years old when she arrived in USA on October 31, 1848. 24 years old Richard Alice, Jacob Alice, aged 24, are others that migrated to US.

From Italy

Miner Andrea Alice from Levone, Italy aboard the La Bretagne from Havre. He is registered to be 23 years old when he arrived in Freeport Pa on October 21, 1900. Anna Alice, Antonio Alice, aged 8, 11 years old Antonio Alice, 21 years old Antonio Alice, Barbera Alice, aged 22, Bartolomeo Alice, aged 23, Laborer Bartolomeo Alice, Battista Alice (26) Laborer, and 31 other Alice around 47.22% of whom were miner while others worked as farmer and laborer migrated to US.


Hilary Bulfer
Alice is a female given name and surname of Germanic origin the name alice just adelaide, resulting from the adalnoble and heitrang root line.

Alice Namesakes

  • Achsah Alice Hardin, Author
  • Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  • Mary Alice, Actress
  • Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, Duchess of Gloucester
  • Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  • Caroline Alice Elgar, Author
  • Mary Alice, Actress
  • Scarlett Alice Johnson, Film actress
  • Luis Alicea, Baseball Coach
  • Geraldo Alicea, American Politician

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