Alta is used as a family name or surname in Mexico. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Alta
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Mexico
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Alta

How popular is Alta?

Alta is common in Mexico.

Alta is ranked 67957 on our list.

Alta is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Turkey which signifies that it is originated from Turkey. Around 6666 people have been found who wears Alta as their family name. Alta is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
212,166 Canada9
46,707 New Zealand5
8,411 Costa Rica4
214,847 Australia4
1,141 Mongolia3
4,554 Guatemala3
5,443 Dominican Republic2
23,344 Austria2
14,408 Uruguay2
3,871 Paraguay2
34,681 Norway2
28,083 Romania2
50,307 Saudi Arabia1
90,903 Moldova1
9,116 Nicaragua1
49,529 Israel1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
49,101 Denmark1
165,773 Belarus1
174,544 Czech Republic1
16,073 Latvia1
6,820 Angola1
510 East Timor1
50,549 Georgia1
3,243 Suriname1
2,613 The Bahamas1
42,479 Greece1
16,283 Lithuania1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
58,885 Poland1
7,292 Vietnam1
3,952 Yemen1
277,603 France1
17,768 Pakistan1
4,942 Libya1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
198,575 Russia46
280,332 India40
56,148 Spain32
21,901 Chile27
126,462 England22
173,579 Ukraine18
Countries with hundreds of Alta:
14,081 Brazil954
5,551 Peru442
15,141 Argentina358
39,199 Philippines258
3,874 Ecuador253
50,182 Germany202
30,064 South Africa183
128,901 United States164
9,538 Venezuela151
50,581 Italy146
18,629 Netherlands146
74,584 Indonesia113
9,561 Colombia105
Countries with thousands of Alta:
4,799 Turkey1,922
5,751 Mexico1,021
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Alta Namesakes

  • Abdullah Altararwah, Actor
  • Adriana Altaras, Actress
  • Adriana Altaras, Actress
  • Ahmet Altan, Journalist
  • Engin Altay, Politician
  • Zakiya Alta Lee, Actress
  • BĂ©atrice Altariba, Actress
  • Sadie Alta Cohen, Author
  • Laurinda Alta Bidwell, John Bidwell's sister
  • Frieha Altaf, Actor

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