Altidor is used as a family name or surname in Haiti. It is 7 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Altidor
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Haiti
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Altidor
How popular is Altidor?
Altidor is common in Haiti.
Altidor is ranked 43775 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Altidors grew by 66.71925 per cent to 1057 since 2000 and ranked 23881 after elevating 9995 spots. The last name was found in around 4 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
Black | 96.78 | 86.44 |
Others | 1.51 | 10.57 |
Hispanic or Latino | 1.14 | 1.74 |
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
457 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines3
28,746 Algeria1
2,040 Mali1
9,926 Ivory Coast1
153,416 Italy1
169,904 Brazil1
151,601 Spain1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
155,398 France49
845 The Bahamas28
270 Turks and Caicos Islands12
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
33,285 Canada99
Countries with hundreds of Altidor:
36,291 United States785
2,328 Dominican Republic252
Countries with thousands of Altidor:
133 Haiti9,820
Altidor Namesakes
- Jozy Altidore, Soccer player
- Giselle Altidore, Jozy Altidore's mother
- Janak Altidore, Jozy Altidore's brother
- Jozy Altidore, Soccer player
- Jozy Altidore, Soccer player
- Jozy Altidore, Soccer player
- Sadia Altidore, Jozy Altidore's sister
- Mackenson Altidor, Soccer player
- Mackenson Altidor, Soccer player
Related Family Names:
You might not know the meaning of Altidor surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Altidor and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Altidor is originated?