Anlett is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Anlett
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Ireland, England

Anlett is a variant form of the Hanley. Cock's field.

The surname is a variation of Hanley. One who came from Hanley meaning "high meadow," in Staffordshire, or from Handley, with the same meaning, the name of several places in England; grandson of Ainte meaning "beauty, also a hero or warrior".

The family name is the variant of Handley. There are parishes so called in Cheshire and Dorset; but the name may with equal probability spring from Andeli, in Normandy, famous as the residence of Cour de Lion, as the birth-place of Poussin, the painter, and for the tomb of Corneille, the dramatist. Richer de Andeli was a capital tenant in Hampshire at the making of Domesday.

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