Anyane is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, Wales. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Anyane
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Ireland, Wales

Anyane is variant form of Onion. Sometimes a corruption of Unwyn, but oftener of the Welsh personal name Enion. In the register of East Grinstead, Sussex, in the first half of the XVII. century, the name is written indifferently Ennion and Onion. Benion, Bunyan, and Pinyon are also corruptions of this fine old Cambro-British designation. The force of corruption could hardly go further than this twisting of a personal appellative, not only into a graveolent vegetable, but into that which either impedes the traveller in his walk, or gives the power of flight to an eagle! See Bunyan and Pinion.

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