Aprhys is used as a family name or surname in Wales. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Aprhys
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Wales

Is a variation of Rice. See Rees - A Welsh personal name, anciently Rhys, whence the modifications and derivatives, Rice, Price or Pryce, (Ap-Rhys) Apreece, Reece, Preece, etc. Sir Elidir Dhu, who flourished temp. Richard I. (a descendant, according to the Welsh genealogies, of Coel Codevog, King of Britain), was the direct ancestor of the family of Rees of Killymaenllwyd, county of Carmarthen; and there are several other ancient families now called Rees in the Principality, although the stationary surname is of comparatively recent adoption.

Form of Rhys. The ancient Welsh personal name, now more commonly written Rees.

Aprhys is a variant of Reece. See Rees - A Welsh personal name, anciently Rhys, whence the modifications and derivatives, Rice, Price or Pryce, (Ap-Rhys) Apreece, Reece, Preece, etc. Sir Elidir Dhu, who flourished temp. Richard I. (a descendant, according to the Welsh genealogies, of Coel Codevog, King of Britain), was the direct ancestor of the family of Rees of Killymaenllwyd, county of Carmarthen; and there are several other ancient families now called Rees in the Principality, although the stationary surname is of comparatively recent adoption.

Aprhys is variation of Race. In Yorkshire, a rivulet; in the South, a mill-stream; also the meeting of two tides, as Portland Race. The Hundred Rolls Race, without prefix, appears to point to some other origin.

Lastname Aprhys is variant form of Rice. Red. A name borne nearly eight centuries ago by Rhys ab Tewdwr ad Eineon ab Owen ad Howell Dda, or, as sometimes styled, Rhys ab Twedwr Mawr; i.e., Rice, son of Tudor, son of Eineon, son of Owen, son of Howell the Good, or Rice, son of Tudor the Great.

Aprhys is a variant of Reese. The son of Rhys meaning "ardor, a rush".

Aprhys is the variant of Reece. The son of Rhys meaning "ardor, a rush".

A variation of Preece. The son of Rhys that means ardor, a rush; one who came from Prees, i.e., brushwood, in Shropshire or from Preese, in Lancashire.

Aprhys is the variation of Rhys. Descendant of Rhys, meaning "ardor, a rush".

Family name Aprhys is variant of Rice. Descendant of Rhys, meaning "ardor, a rush".

Family name Aprhys is form of Apreece. Ap Rhys, the son of Rhys. The baronet's family (Apreece) claim descent from Gruffyth ap Rees, prince of South Wales. Hence Price.

The Aprhys is a variant form of Preece. Welsh, Ap-Rhys: the same as Price.

Lastname is a variant of the Rees. A Welsh personal name, anciently Rhys, whence the modifications and derivatives, Rice, Price or Pryce, (Ap-Rhys) Apreece, Reece, Preece, etc. Sir Elidir Dhu, who flourished temp. Richard I. (a descendant, according to the Welsh genealogies, of Coel Codevog, King of Britain), was the direct ancestor of the family of Rees of Killymaenllwyd, county of Carmarthen; and there are several other ancient families now called Rees in the Principality, although the stationary surname is of comparatively recent adoption.

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