Archearde is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Archearde
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Ireland, England

The surname Archearde is the variant form of the Urquhart. There are places called Urquhart in the shires of Moray, Inverness, and Ross. The family are traced to Galleroch de Urchart, who lived temp. Alexander II. His descendants were hereditary sheriffs of Cromarty.

Sir Thomas Urquhart, who flourished in the middle of the XVII century, drew up his pedigree, which is one of the finest pieces of fictitious genealogy in existence, commencing with Adam, from whom he makes himself the hundred and forty-third in descent. The local origin of the surname he ignores, and derives it from Ourq hartos, "i.e., the fortunate and well-be loved ," who was fifth in descent from Noah, and married the Queen of the Amazons! Another of his ancestors was the intimate friend of Nimrod, the mighty hunter; another married that daughter of Pharaoh who found Moses in the bulrushes; while another espoused a daughter of Bachus.

Lastname Archearde is the form of Orchard. Originally meant wyrt-yard (Anglo-Saxon), an enclosure for the growth of wyrts or herbs, rather than of apple-trees, as at present. The original bearers of this name must therefore have been gardeners.

Archearde is form of Archard. A provincial pronunciation of orchard.

Archearde is the variant form of Urquhart. One who came from Urquhart, i.e., on a wood, the name of several places in Scotland.

Archearde is the form of Orchard. Dweller at a fruit garden; corruption of Urquhart, from its early pronunciation; one who came from Orchard, the name of several places in England and one in Scotland.

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