Ardila is used as a family name or surname in Colombia. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Ardila
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Colombia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Ardila

How popular is Ardila?

Ardila is common in Colombia.

Ardila is ranked 5626 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Ardilas grew by 58.33333 per cent to 912 since 2000 and ranked 26695 after elevating 9935 spots. The last name was found in around 3 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
Hispanic or Latino 90.9 89.24
White 8.22 9.55
Black 0.66 0
Ardila is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Colombia which signifies that it is originated from Colombia. Around 97176 people have been found who wears Ardila as their family name. Ardila is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
10,542 China4
24,547 Saudi Arabia3
4,096 Dominican Republic3
147,165 Czech Republic2
14,408 Uruguay2
54,641 Sweden2
2,168 Suriname2
44,018 Poland2
18,625 Japan2
1,500,361 India2
5,589 Sudan1
340 Comoros1
897,276 Russia1
37,493 Austria1
6,820 Angola1
1,542 Andorra1
38,063 Mauritania1
10,683 Cyprus1
49,101 Denmark1
25,746 Finland1
40,340 Malaysia1
17,768 Pakistan1
2,613 The Bahamas1
5,924 Paraguay1
47,891 Norway1
7,292 Vietnam1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
42,427 Australia48
20,906 Israel47
46,461 Netherlands40
2,754 Costa Rica26
52,530 Belgium22
18,457 Scotland20
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
50,317 England75
18,012 Peru57
85,668 Italy56
3,517 Puerto Rico54
19,965 Switzerland54
Countries with hundreds of Ardila:
2,025 Ecuador783
7,056 Mexico759
11,024 Argentina493
851 Panama489
23,918 Germany437
32,218 Brazil366
1,570 Honduras296
4,366 Chile234
1,705 El Salvador215
18,081 Canada201
1,331 Nicaragua145
84,907 France110
Countries with thousands of Ardila:
656 Venezuela6,096
2,859 Indonesia5,218
2,247 Spain2,201
26,465 United States1,154
Countries with ten thousands of Ardila:
120 Colombia77,440
Show Full Last Name Distribution


Marta Casteel
 The origin of the name is Basque etymological several approaches are possible with regard to the name or it comes from the agglutination of har word and double di suffix which means rocky place or it comes from the agglutination ardi word and the suffix meaning the sheep; and by extension the location of this surname sheep specifies the location of the ancestral home.

Ardila Namesakes

  • Arthur Guinness, 1st Baron Ardilaun, Politician
  • Bayardo Ardila, Actor
  • Arthur Guinness, 1st Baron Ardilaun, Politician
  • Mauricio Ardila, Bicycler
  • Arthur Guinness, 1st Baron Ardilaun, Politician
  • In 2016, Walter Ardila portrayed the role of N in mystery movie Lamentos.

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