Ashlake is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Ashlake
No. of characters: 7
Origin: England

The family name is variant form of Astley. Astley, county of Warwick, was possessed by Thos. Lord A. (killed at Evesham, 49, Henry III.), the ancestor of the Baronet's family.

Ashlake is variant of Ashley. Parishes in Staffordshire, Wilts, Cambridge, etc.

Lastname is variant of the Aston. Ash down or hill, if derived from Aston, anciently, Aecesdun, Berkshire; but Hurst town if from Aston, anciently, Estone, Warwick, county of Great Britain. There are however, more than sixty places in England called Aston or Ashton, most of which were undoubtedly named from the ash tree; for, according to the Eddaic mythology, the first man was made of and called Askur, Ash - a belief similar to that of the Greeks, who held that Zeus created men from ash-trees.

Ashlake is a variant of Ashley. Ashfield.

Variation of Aston. One who came from Aston, the village to the east. Many places in England has the name.

Is form of the Ashley. One who came from Ashley, the wood where ash trees grew. Various places in England have the name.

Lastname Ashlake is variant of Astley. Estley, Hurst field.

Variation of Astley. Astley Castle, county of Warwick, was the residence of the family so early as 12. Henry II., and the earliest known progenitor is Philip de Estlega, who then flourished.

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