Atzar is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Atzar
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Ireland, England

Atzar is variation of the Eggar. Scholars think it "signifies an inciter, stimulator," as we say "to egg on," but it is far more likely to be a corruption of Edgar.

Family name Atzar is variant of Edgar. Eadgar, a well-known and royal personal name among the Anglo-Saxons. There are probably several distinct families of this designation. The Scottish family deduce themselves from Gospatrick, earl of Northumberland, temp. William I., who was a kinsman of Eadgar Atheling, and a descendant of king Eâdgar, great grandson of Alfred the Great. The Edgars of Suffolk claim from a John Edgar of Dunwich, living in 1237.

Atzar is variant form of Adair. Descendant of Edzear or Edgar meaning rich, spear; dweller near the oak-tree ford; grandson of Daire, an old Irish name.

Lastname Atzar is the variant of Edgar. Descendant of Edgar meaning "rich, spear".

The lastname Atzar is variant form of Adair. A branch of the great Anglo-Hibernian family of Fitz-Gerald settled at Adare, a village in county of Limerick, and thus acquired the local surname in the XV. century Robert Fitz-Gerald de Adair, in consequence of family feuds, removed to Galloway, in Scotland, and dropping his patronymical designation, wrote himself Adair, a name which has since ramified largely on both sides of the Irish Channel. In temp. Chas.I., the senior branch transferred themselves from Galloway to county of Antrim, where they resided for some generations, until on the acquisition of English estates they again settled in Britain. |The migrations of the family may be thus stated : 1. England before the Conquest. 2.Ireland. 3.Scotland. 4.Scotland cum Ireland. 5.Ireland. 6.Ireland cum England. 7.England cum Ireland.

Is a variant of Edger. Probably a corruption of Hedger, the occupation.

A variation of Odgear. Probably an old Scandinavian personal name. One Odgeir is found in the Landnamabok.

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