Baad is used as a family name or surname in Scotland. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Baad
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Scotland

Variant form of Braid. The northern form of Broad.

Baad is form of Brad. Anglon-Saxon brád, broad or large. A component syllable of numerous local surnames, as Bradfield, Bradley, Braddon, Bradddock, etc.

The lastname is the form of Baud. Anglo-Normand baude. Joyous.

The is variant of Badd. Bad in the Coventry Mysteries means bold.

Lastname is a variant form of Badd. Bad in the Coventry Mysteries means bold.

Baad is the variant form of the Breed. One who came from Brede meaning flat expense, in Sussex; dweller on the plain.

A variation of Breed. One who came from Brede meaning flat expense, in Sussex; dweller on the plain.

Baad is the variation of the Bader. One who practiced surgery, a barber surgeon; one who came from Baden, in Germany. Descendant of Bathari meaning combat, army.

Is the variation of Bader. One who practiced surgery, a barber surgeon; one who came from Baden, in Germany. Descendant of Bathari meaning combat, army.

The lastname Baad is variation of Baud. Anglo-Normand baude. Joyous.

The variation of Brad. Anglon-Saxon brád, broad or large. A component syllable of numerous local surnames, as Bradfield, Bradley, Braddon, Bradddock, etc.

Baad is a variant form of the Braid. The northern form of Broad.

How popular is Baad?

The last name was found in merely 4 per ten million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 88.89 92.31
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
4.27 0

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Bertha Baad was 38 years old when she migrated to New York on October 20, 1892. She lived in Aachen, Germany where she worked as farmer and took Rhynland from Antwerp.

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