Bareau is used as a family name or surname in France. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Bareau
No. of characters: 6
Origin: France

Bareau is form of the Bare. A township, county of Lancaster.

Lastname is the variant of Barr. One who came from Barr meaning height, in Ayrshire and Renfrewshire; dweller at the top of the hill.

Bareau is form of Bahr. Dweller at the sign of the bear; one thought to possess bearlike qualities. The bear was the king of beasts in the north of Europe.

Variant of Baer. Dweller at the sign of the bear; one thought to possess bearlike qualities. The bear was the king of beasts in the north of Europe.

Bareau is a variation of Behr. One who lived at the sign of the bear; one with some characteristics of the bear; descendant of Bero, a pet form of names beginning with Bar meaning "bear," as Beroward, Beriwick and Berulf.

Is the form of the Barr. 1. A parish and a hamlet in county of Stafford; also a parish in Ayrshire. 2. The gateway of a fortified town. 3. A pre Domesday name Bar, meaning probably either Anglo-Saxon bar, bear, or bár, boar-a sobriquet. De la Bare. Hundred Rolls.

Form of the Barrett. Baret, a personal name of Teutonic origin, is found here in Saxon times. In various forms it has always been very common in France and England.

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