Bartoszek is used as a family name or surname in Poland. It is 9 characters long in length.
A form of the Bartos. Descendant of Bartos, a pet form of Bartholomew meaning son of Talmai, furrow.
How popular is Bartoszek?
Bartoszek is common in Poland, United States, Germany.
Bartoszek is ranked 65500 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Bartoszeks plummeted by 1.5 per cent to 525 since 2000 and slipped by 2484 spots and ranked at 41426. The last name was found in around 2 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 97.52 | 97.94 |
Hispanic or Latino | 1.33 | 0.94 |

Immigrants to US
From Germany
Juliana Bartoszek was 16 years old when she migrated to Baltimore on November 5, 1889. She lived in Germany where she worked as servant and took Main from Bremen. Marcie Bartoszek (57) Farmer, Neponuscy Bartoszek, aged 8, Vincent Bartoszek (4), Josef Bartoszek (26) Laborer, are others that migrated to US.
Bartoszek Namesakes
- Danuta Bartoszek, former long-distance runner
Bartoszek Namesakes
- Danuta Bartoszek, former long-distance runner