Bechingman is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 10 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Bechingman
No. of characters: 10
Origin: England

The variation of Bokenham. An old spelling of Buckenham, a town in Norfolk.

The variation of Buckingham. The town from which the shire is named.

Lastname is form of Buckenham. Four parishes in Norfolk, anciently Bokenham.

A variant form of the Beckingham. Parishes in counties Lincoln and Notts. De Bekingham occurs in the former county of Hundred Rolls.

The family name is a variation of Buckingham. One who came from Buckingham, the homestead of Bucca's people, in Buckinghamshire.

Bechingman is a form of the Beckham. One who came from Beckham or "Becca's homestead," in Norfolk.

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