Beenen is used as a family name or surname in many languages. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Beenen
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Unknown
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Beenen

How popular is Beenen?

Beenen is ranked 183667 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Beenens grew by 13.86139 per cent to 115 since 2000 and ranked 144141 after elevating 5187 spots. The last name was found in around 0 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 93.91 92.08
Beenen is not so popular last name but still a prevalent surname concentrated mainly in Netherlands which may be its originating country too. Around 1930 people have been found who wears Beenen as their family name. Beenen have bearers in many countries around the world. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
184,212 France3
62,864 New Zealand1
279,271 Australia1
77,122 Sweden1
21,562 Portugal1
47,891 Norway1
25,746 Finland1
289,511 England1
120,357 Argentina1
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
47,259 Canada66
Countries with hundreds of Beenen:
2,638 Netherlands948
13,857 Germany740
128,302 United States165

Beenen Namesakes

  • Martijn van Beenen, Cinematographer
  • Sander Beenen, from 2018 action flick Taxi, who played the Fargon.

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