Belew is used as a family name or surname in Ethiopia. It is 5 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Belew
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Ethiopia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Belew
How popular is Belew?
Belew is common in Ethiopia.
Belew is ranked 15078 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Belews grew by 9.978618 per cent to 3086 since 2000 and ranked 10427 after elevating 74 spots. The last name was found in around 10 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 85.97 | 90.56 |
Black | 6.16 | 3.74 |
Hispanic or Latino | 3.43 | 2.89 |
Asian and Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander | 2.17 | 1.18 |
Others | 1.59 | 1.46 |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.68 | 0.18 |
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
615,517 Russia6
607,991 Indonesia5
90,215 Germany3
91,784 Netherlands2
50,640 Switzerland2
30,360 Thailand1
734 Chad1
2,196 Liberia1
77,122 Sweden1
42,479 Greece1
9,591 Panama1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
126,462 England22
189,966 Canada11
Countries with thousands of Belew:
10,132 United States3,603
Countries with ten thousands of Belew:
407 Ethiopia31,250
Immigrants to US
From Ireland
Ann Belew was 16 years old when she migrated to USA during Irish famine on May 27, 1847 with Child My. Belew. She lived in Great Britain where she worked as immigrant and took W Ward from Liverpool.
Belew Namesakes
- Adrian Belew, Musician
- Bill Belew, Fashion designer
- Audie Belew, Musical Artist
- Carl Belew, Singer
- Carl Belew, Singer
- Carl Belew, Singer
- Adrian Belew, Musician
- Adrian Belew, Musician
- Bill Belew, Fashion designer
- Adrian Belew, Musician
- In 2013, Scott BeLew characterized the role of Adrian in thriller flick Death Saint.
- In 2014, Ava Belew played the role of N in drama movie Marked Hands.
Related Family Names:
- Belachew (Ethiopia)
- Bellew (Northern France)
- Bellow (United States)
- Bellshaw (Ireland, England)
- Below (United States)
- Belshaw (England)
- Beardshaw
- Beckow
- Beddow (England)
- Beechow
- Belachew (Ethiopia)
- Belea (Romania)
- Belec (Canada)
- Beleck (Cameroon)
- Beleckaite
- Belegi
- Belegrin
- Belehová
- Belei (Scotland)
- Belekoukia
You might not know the meaning of Belew surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Belew and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Belew is originated?