Beuerman is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 8 characters long in length.
The lastname Beuerman is variant form of Burman. The same as Boreman - See Borrer - This name appears in Sussex from the XV. century under the forms of Bourer, Boorer, Borer and Borrer, the extra 'R' being a somewhat recent addition. These, together with the Atte-Bore, Atte Bowre, de la Bore, Boreman, and other modifications, are probably derivable from the Anglo-Saxon búr, a bower, inner room, or bed-chamber. Every baronial residence had its 'Ladye's Bower,' and the original Atte Bore, or De la Bore, (subsequently modified to Borer,) was probably the cham berlain of a great feudal household. This supposition is strongly supported by the Anglo-Saxon name for chamberlain, which is 'bur-thegn' bower-thane—one who admitted to the private apartments and councils of the lord.
The is the variant of Burman. Dweller in a cottage; servant of the peasant.
Beuerman is a variant of the Bowerman. A Chamberlain.