Brac is used as a family name or surname in Bangladesh. It is 4 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Brac
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Bangladesh
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Brac
How popular is Brac?
Brac is common in Bangladesh.
Brac is ranked 37933 on our list.
Brac is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Bangladesh which signifies that it is originated from Bangladesh. Around 12962 people have been found who wears Brac as their family name. Brac is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:RankCountryCount
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
179,761 Australia6
44,018 Poland2
8,995 Uganda2
131,225 Spain2
12,844 Pakistan2
40,256 Mexico2
65,594 Belgium2
124,220 Italy2
2,057 Myanmar1
169,904 Brazil1
897,276 Russia1
31,584 Peru1
62,864 New Zealand1
9,116 Nicaragua1
172,258 Germany1
5,467 Haiti1
7,292 Vietnam1
29,774 Venezuela1
492,292 Ukraine1
16,640 Hong Kong1
81,201 Switzerland1
40,340 Malaysia1
7,191 Afghanistan1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
107,506 England27
16,867 Serbia23
144,062 Canada16
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
9,526 Croatia78
281,314 United States58
Countries with hundreds of Brac:
16,501 Argentina328
Countries with thousands of Brac:
8,484 France1,053
Countries with ten thousands of Brac:
1,145 Bangladesh11,344
Show Full Last Name Distribution
Immigrants to US
From Italy
Jean Brac was 25 years old when he migrated to New York on May 5, 1890. He lived in Marseille, Italy where he worked as sailor and took Wieland from Hamburg.
Myrtie Mckendrick
Brac Namesakes
- Dolores Bracken Abad, Josephine Bracken's daughter
- John Q. A. Brackett, Former Governor of Massachusetts
- William H. Brackney, Professor
- J. Bracken Lee, Former Governor of Utah
- Jonathan Brace, Former United States Representative
- Ailish Bracken, Television producer
- Alana Bracey, Noel Hunt's wife
- Alastair Campbell, Lord Bracadale, Judge
- Alexandra Bracken, Author
- Alexandros Bracjani, Soccer player
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You might not know the meaning of Brac surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Brac and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Brac is originated?