Burc is used as a family name or surname in Ireland. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Burc
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Ireland

The lastname Burc is the variant of the Burke. A hardened pronunciation of Burgh, and equivalent to Borrowes, etc. See Burgh - A component syllable in many local surnames. It also stands alone, and may be derived from one or more of the various places so called in Cumberland, Suffolk Norfolk, and Lincoln. It is the Anglo-Saxon burh, bureh, byrig, a word common to most German dialects, and somewhat resembling the Gr. Túpyos, turris. This is subject matter for a longthened dissertation, had we space for it, but it will be sufficient for the present purpose to observe, that its meaning appears to be that which Richardson assigns, viz.— "a place of defence or security," whether that place be a walled town, a mountain, or the place in which the "conies," though but a "feeble folk," fortify themselves. Imperial Petersburgh, royal Edinboro', and a rabbit's Burrow, have therefore a community of origin and of name. The word occurs very largely in local no menclature, sometimes as a prefix or termination, and sometimes in the middle of a name, and in variously modified forms, as burg, bur, ber, berk, borough, brough, berry, barron, bury, etc

The great Irish family are traced to the Anglo-Norm. De Burghs, one of whom settled in Ireland soon after the acquisition of that country by the English monarchs. The name Alfric de Burc, apparently of Saxon origin, appears in the Domesday of Suffolk. In the Hundred Rolls the name of the famous Hubert de Burgh, temp. King John, is sometimes written De Burk.

Lastname Burc is variation of Bourke. Dweller at, or near, a stronghold or fortified place.

Surname Burc is a variant of Burke. Dweller at, or near, the bugh or stronghold.

The form of the Birk. Dweller at, or near, the bugh or stronghold.

Surname is the variation of the Burks. Dweller at, or near, the stronghold or fortified place.

Surname is variant form of Bourke. The same as Burke - A hardened pronunciation of Burgh, and equivalent to Borrowes, etc. See Burgh - A component syllable in many local surnames. It also stands alone, and may be derived from one or more of the various places so called in Cumberland, Suffolk Norfolk, and Lincoln. It is the Anglo-Saxon burh, bureh, byrig, a word common to most German dialects, and somewhat resembling the Gr. Túpyos, turris. This is subject matter for a longthened dissertation, had we space for it, but it will be sufficient for the present purpose to observe, that its meaning appears to be that which Richardson assigns, viz.— "a place of defence or security," whether that place be a walled town, a mountain, or the place in which the "conies," though but a "feeble folk," fortify themselves. Imperial Petersburgh, royal Edinboro', and a rabbit's Burrow, have therefore a community of origin and of name. The word occurs very largely in local no menclature, sometimes as a prefix or termination, and sometimes in the middle of a name, and in variously modified forms, as burg, bur, ber, berk, borough, brough, berry, barron, bury, etc

The great Irish family are traced to the Anglo-Norm. De Burghs, one of whom settled in Ireland soon after the acquisition of that country by the English monarchs. The name Alfric de Burc, apparently of Saxon origin, appears in the Domesday of Suffolk. In the Hundred Rolls the name of the famous Hubert de Burgh, temp. King John, is sometimes written De Burk.

Burc is a variant form of De Burgh. The Marquis Clanricarde deduces his descent from Charles, 5th son of the Emperor Charlemagne, who was the common ancestor of the counts of Blois, the kings of Jerusalem, the great baronial De Burghs of England, the Burkes of Ire land, and a number of other ancient families. The surname is said to have been assumed by John, earl of Comyn, in the XI. century.

How popular is Burc?

Burc is common in France.

Burc is ranked 1040653 on our list.

Burc is quite rare family name, few people in France and Northern Cyprus have the last name. Around 241 person has been found who wears Burc as their family name. Burc is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with hundreds of Burc:
71,816 France128
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
76,152 Poland33
158,771 Germany22
604,828 United States19
5,097 Northern Cyprus16

Burc Namesakes

  • Aarin Burch, Film director
  • Thomas G. Burch, Former American senator
  • Al Burch, Baseball player
  • Matt Burch, Computer programmer
  • Paata Burchuladze, Bass
  • Joe Burch, Football player
  • Ashly Burch, Actress
  • Aaron Burckhard, Musician
  • Aurelia Burckhardt, Actress
  • Aurelia Burckhardt, Actress

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