Chire is used as a family name or surname in Peru. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Chire
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Peru
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Chire

How popular is Chire?

Chire is common in Peru.

Chire is ranked 75540 on our list.

Chire is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Mozambique which signifies that it is originated from Mozambique. Around 5883 people have been found who wears Chire as their family name. Chire is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
103,759 Spain8
720,003 Russia4
12,172 Ghana2
77,122 Sweden1
169,904 Brazil1
24,771 Colombia1
134,667 Zimbabwe1
880 Djibouti1
6,149 Ethiopia1
38,063 Mauritania1
56,169 Mexico1
573 Vanuatu1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
406,891 United States34
189,966 Canada11
Countries with hundreds of Chire:
69,365 India376
4,917 Venezuela351
2,659 Bolivia292
44,861 Argentina105
Countries with thousands of Chire:
1,112 Mozambique3,095
2,298 Peru1,596


Margit Garibay
 This is the name of a locality of the department of comes, he says family origin the etymology of the name comes from the agglutination of the Gallo-Roman Carius personal name and the suffix acum which means earth Carius - carter -.

Chire Namesakes

  • Joseph Yieleh Chireh, Pharmacist
  • Joseph Yieleh Chireh, Pharmacist
  • Joseph Yieleh Chireh, Pharmacist
  • Memory Chirere, Author
  • Joseph Yieleh Chireh, Pharmacist
  • Yessica Chirel, Actress
  • Yoan Chirescu, Composer

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