Davitashvili is used as a family name or surname in Georgia. It is 12 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Davitashvili
No. of characters: 12
Origin: Georgia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Davitashvili
How popular is Davitashvili?
Davitashvili is common in Georgia.
Davitashvili is ranked 107852 on our list.
Davitashvili is not so popular last name but still a prevalent surname concentrated mainly in Georgia which may be its originating country too. Around 3814 people have been found who wears Davitashvili as their family name. Davitashvili is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:RankCountryCount
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
179,761 Australia6
122,390 Belarus4
26,321 Israel3
16,073 Latvia1
16,228 Bulgaria1
3,350 Fiji1
277,603 France1
448,262 Canada1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
172,258 Germany1
16,640 Hong Kong1
118,015 Netherlands1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
365,083 United States40
114,425 Ukraine34
75,986 Spain20
94,051 Kazakhstan19
Countries with hundreds of Davitashvili:
65,860 Russia201
Countries with thousands of Davitashvili:
132 Georgia3,478
Davitashvili Namesakes
- Lela Davitashvili, Set designer
Related Family Names:
- Davanni
- Davanzati
- Davari (Iran)
- Davi (Brazil)
- Davì
- Davidai
- Davidi (Israel)
- Davidoski
- Davidovici
- Davidowski
You might not know the meaning of Davitashvili surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Davitashvili and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Davitashvili is originated?