Dillabaugh is used as a family name or surname in Wales. It is 10 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Dillabaugh
No. of characters: 10
Origin: Wales

The surname is the derivation of Bax. See Back - (Pluralized to Backs, whence Bax.) Sometimes synonymous with Beck, but more generally either a wharf or a ferry. Hence Backman and Backer.

Derivation of Barff. Barf or Burgh means in the North, a horseway up a hill.

Dillabaugh is derivation of Back. (Pluralized to Backs, whence Bax.) Sometimes synonymous with Beck, but more generally either a wharf or a ferry. Hence Backman and Backer.

Dillabaugh is the form of Verbeek. Of the brook.

The is an adaptation of Bak. Dweller by a brook.

An adaptation of the Bach. Dweller in the stream valley; one who came from Bache meaning valley of a stream. Name of several places in England.

Surname Dillabaugh is a derivation of Back. Dweller by a brook or a variant of Bach that means dweller in the stream valley.

Dillabaugh is a variant of the Beekman. Dweller at, or near, the brook or stream.

The lastname is derivation of the Bach. Little or Brook.

Surname Dillabaugh is a variation of Beekman. Brook-man.

The lastname is the modification of the Baugh. An old Scottish word signifying bad or indifferent; but the name is probably local.

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