Din is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 3 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Din
No. of characters: 3
Origin: England

Surname Din is variant of Dine. See Dyne - Anciently Dine. Might come from the French digne, worthy. There is a statement, however, I know not of what authority, that the family were identical with the Dyves, who came into England from Normandy with the Conqueror. De Dine. Hundred Rolls.

Form of Dain. See Dane - Occurs singly in Domesday, in the counties of Notts and Lincoln, as a personal name, like Norman, Frank, etc.; and Danus as a distinctive epithet or surname is added to the personal names Osmund, Simond, Strang, and Turchil to indicate their Danish birth or extraction. But Dane is also a topographical expression, the meaning of which is not clear. In the Hundred Rolls we find both Atte Dane, and De la Dane.

A form of Dion. Descendant of Dion, i.e., Grecian god of wine; one who came from Dionne, in Burgundy.

Family name Din is a form of Dain. One who came from Denmark, i.e., forest of the Danes; dweller near the Dane River, in Cheshire.

Din is variant of Divers. Apparently a French local name, the D of De coalescing.

Din is variant of Dyne. Anciently Dine. Might come from the French digne, worthy. There is a statement, however, I know not of what authority, that the family were identical with the Dyves, who came into England from Normandy with the Conqueror. De Dine. Hundred Rolls.

How popular is Din?

As per 2010 US census, number of Dins grew by 36.82 per cent to 1650 since 2000 and ranked 17169 after elevating 3287 spots. The last name was found in around 6 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
75.03 66.92
White 9.58 10.61
Hispanic or Latino 7.45 6.8
Others 5.76 13.43

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Barbara Din was 9 years old when she migrated to USA on November 25, 1850. She lived in Baden and took Albus from Rotterdam. 2 years old Amalia Din, 30 years old Barbara Din, Catharina Din (1 month old), Joseph Din, 40 years old Joseph Din, Margaretha Din, 27 years old Albrecht Din, 20 years old Nicolas Din, are others that migrated to US from Rotterdam, Liverpool and Havre.

Din Namesakes

  • Abdel Ahad Gamal El Din, Egyptian academic and politician
  • Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal
  • Ali ibn Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal
  • Barakat ibn Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal and brother of Ali ibn Umar Din
  • Fazal Din, Indian recipient of the Victoria Cross
  • Mian Hayaud Din, army officer of the British Indian Army during the second world war and later of the Pakistan Army
  • Hamza El Din, Nubian Egyptian/Sudanese composer, oud player
  • Mian Shah Din, Punjabi lawyer and politician in British India

Din Namesakes

  • Abdel Ahad Gamal El Din, Egyptian academic and politician
  • Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal
  • Ali ibn Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal
  • Barakat ibn Umar Din, Sultan of the Sultanate of Adal and brother of Ali ibn Umar Din
  • Fazal Din, Indian recipient of the Victoria Cross
  • Mian Hayaud Din, army officer of the British Indian Army during the second world war and later of the Pakistan Army
  • Hamza El Din, Nubian Egyptian/Sudanese composer, oud player
  • Mian Shah Din, Punjabi lawyer and politician in British India

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