Doal is used as a family name or surname in Germany. It is 4 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Doal
No. of characters: 4
Origin: Germany

Doal is variant of Toll. 1. A grove of lofty trees; a holt. 2. Toli, an Anglo-Saxon personal name.

Variant of Dole. Dweller at the division of land or boundary mark.

Doal is a variant form of the Toll. Descendant of Toll, a pet form of Bartholomew, i.e., son of Talmai, furrow; dweller, or collector, at a house.

Doal is a variation of the Dolleman. Madman.

A form of Dole. 1. Dole or doole is an eastern and sothern provincialism for a boundary mark, whether an earthen mound or a post of stone or wood. In the western counties it means a low, flat, place. 2. Dol, a well known town in Brittany. Doll, Dolle, De Doll. Hundred Rolls.

How popular is Doal?

Doal is common in England.

Doal is ranked 1003083 on our list.

Doal is an uncommon surname, few people in England have the family name and might have roots in England. Around 254 people have been found who wears Doal as their family name. Doal is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with hundreds of Doal:
23,420 England179
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
139,666 Canada16
662,678 United States16
197,164 Philippines13
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
6,732 Cambodia9

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