Dyker is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 5 characters long in length.
Family name is variation of Dicker. A district in Sussex, formerly an extensive waste. Ate Dykere occurs temp. Edward III. among the Barons of the Cinque Ports, and le Dykere some years earlier, in the same county.
The family name Dyker is a variation of Decker. The thatcher.
Variation of Decker. One who covers roofs with tile, straw or late; one who came from Deck or Decker, the names of places in Germany.
Is variant form of the Decker. Dutch, dekker, one who covers roofs with tile, slate, or thatch.
Dyker is a variation of Deeker. Perhaps a corruption of Dacre.
Family name is variant form of Ditcher. The occupation. Fossator. H.R.
How popular is Dyker?
Dyker is common in Canada.
Dyker is ranked 648483 on our list.
Dyker is a very rare family name, few people in Canada and Scotland have the last name. Around 466 people have been found who wears Dyker as their family name. Dyker is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:

Immigrants to US
From Germany
Weaver Ferdinand Dyker from Hessen aboard the Atlantic from Bremerhaven. He is registered to be 31 years old when he arrived in Pittsburgh on April 25, 1859. Laborer Gustaf Dyker, Giertien Dyker, Johe.Sofie Dyker, are other Dyker that migrated to US from Liverpool, Liverpool & Queenstown and Bremen & Southampton.