Fisherman is used as a family name or surname in Germany. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Fisherman
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Germany

Variation of Fischer. One who caught or sold fish.

The family name Fisherman is the modification of the Fish. See Fishes - It is difficult to account for the adoption of the designations of fishes as proper names for persons and families. A few, such as Dolphin, Pike, and Crabbe, may have been borrowed from Heraldry; and others, such as Whale, Shark, and Herring, were perhaps sobriquets which having been applied to an individual afterwards adhered to his descendants.

Fisherman is variation of the Fisher. This seems to be a sufficiently obvious derivation from the calling of a fisherman, especially since 'fisher' occurs in our version of the New Testamen in this sense; and Leland in his Itinerary usually describes the smaller sea-coast places as "fischar tounes." In Domesday and other early records, we meet with the forms Piscator, Le Pecheur, etc. There is, however, curious evidence that some families bearing this name are descendants of Fitz-Urse, one of the assassins of Thomas à Becket. Fitz-Urse is said to have gone over to Ireland, and there to have become ancestor of the Mac Mahon family—Mac Mahon being the Celtic equivalent of 'Bear's son;' but other branches of the family remained in England, and gradually corrupted the family name thus; Fitzour, Fishour, Fisher. The great Kentish family of Berham, or Barham, is also deduced by Philipot,Harris, and other Kentish historians from the same source—apparently upon the strength of the first syllable of that name resembling the word bear, (Ourse—Ursus). See .

How popular is Fisherman?

Fisherman is common in United States, Israel.

Fisherman is ranked 630761 on our list.

Despite the fact that the number of Fisherman bearers increased by 0.52 per cent in 2010 US census to 193 since 2000, the surname slipped by 5181 spots and ranked at 94730. The last name was found in merely 7 per ten million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 68.91 60.42
American Indian and Alaska Native 24.35 22.4
Others 3.11 5.21
Black 2.59 10.42
Fisherman is an uncommon last name, few people in United States and Israel have the family name. Around 484 people have been found who wears Fisherman as their family name. Fisherman is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with hundreds of Fisherman:
86,113 United States299
9,899 Israel104
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
78,176 Canada35

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