Foarde is used as a family name or surname in Ireland, England. It is 6 characters long in length.
Foarde is variant form of Ford. A shallow place in a river, which may be crossed without bridge or boat-a common termination of local surnames.
"In Ford, in Ham, in Ley, in Ton
The most of English Surnamesrun."
Parishes and places in counties Durham, Sussex, Bucks, Northumberland, Salop, Wilts, Devon, &c.
The lastname is the variant form of Foard. See Ford - A shallow place in a river, which may be crossed without bridge or boat-a common termination of local surnames.
"In Ford, in Ham, in Ley, in Ton
The most of English Surnamesrun."
Parishes and places in counties Durham, Sussex, Bucks, Northumberland, Salop, Wilts, Devon, &c.
Foarde is a variant of Alsford. Two parishes in Hampshire, and one in Essex bear the name of Alresford.
Lastname Foarde is a form of Alford. Parishes in counties Lincoln and Somerset.
Foarde is variant of Atford. At ford.
Foarde is form of Alford. One who came from Alford meaning the alder ford, or the ford of Ealdgyth. A number of villages in Licolnshire and Somerset bear the name.
The surname is the variation of Ford. Dweller, or worker, at a stream crossing.