Giacone is used as a family name or surname in Italy. It is 7 characters long in length.
How popular is Giacone?
Giacone is common in Italy.
Giacone is ranked 114613 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Giacones grew by 11.70213 per cent to 420 since 2000 and ranked 49914 after elevating 2031 spots. The last name was found in around 1 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
White | 92.86 | 98.67 |
Hispanic or Latino | 4.76 | 0 |
Others | 2.14 | 0 |

Immigrants to US
From Italy
39 years old hardware merchant Giacone who was residing in Italy migrated to New York on November 11, 1895 by New York put out from Southampton. 24 years old Andre Giacone, 7 years old Angela Giacone, Domestic Angela Giacone, Housewife Antonia Giacone, Housewife Antonia Giacone, 16 years old Baldassarre Giacone, Baldassarre Giacone, aged 29, Baldassarre Giacone (31) Mason, and 19 other Giacone majority of whom were laborer and others worked as miner and domestic, housewife migrated to US from Havre, Genoa, Unknown and Naples.
Related Family Names:
- Giacalone (United States)
- Giaccone (Italy)
- Giacobbe (Argentina)
- Giacobe
- Giacobine
- Giacose
- Giambertone (Italy)
- Giambone
- Giambrone (Italy)
- Giammarese
- Giangrande (Italy)
- Giangrasse
- Giannobile
- Giannone (United States)
- Giaquinte
- Giarè
- Giase
- Giauque
- Giac (Vietnam)
- Giacalone (United States)