Goddard is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Goddard
No. of characters: 7
Origin: England
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Goddard

How popular is Goddard?

Goddard is common in England.

Goddard is ranked 9336 on our list.

Despite the fact that the number of Goddard bearers increased by 2.916144 per cent in 2010 US census to 15599 since 2000, the surname slipped by 135 spots and ranked at 2335. The last name was found in around 53 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 85.55 88.05
Black 8.48 7.23
Hispanic or Latino 2.47 1.83
Others 1.87 1.56
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.95 0.79
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
0.67 0.53
Goddard is quite popular family name mostly used in United States while Barbados is ahead in terms of density. Around 57784 people have been found who wears Goddard as their family name. Goddard is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
823,980 India6
475 Turks and Caicos Islands6
103,755 Czech Republic5
1,460 Cambodia5
262 Anguilla5
8,411 Costa Rica4
2,403 Vietnam4
46,030 Philippines4
35,789 Turkey3
24,547 Saudi Arabia3
2,550 Haiti3
18,686 Thailand3
6,900 Oman2
19,093 Finland2
26,123 Malaysia2
723,167 Indonesia2
12,844 Pakistan2
14,621 Croatia2
568 The Gambia2
20,595 China2
574 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2
13,552 Qatar2
4,104 South Korea2
24,771 Colombia1
53,033 Nigeria1
9,116 Nicaragua1
16,073 Latvia1
37,493 Austria1
3,350 Fiji1
746 Dominica1
6,033 Benin1
123,175 Tanzania1
2,877 Cuba1
20,172 Hungary1
1,819 Laos1
50,549 Georgia1
1,433 Sierra Leone1
3,243 Suriname1
1,179 Swaziland1
4,999 Papua New Guinea1
215 Palau1
5,924 Paraguay1
4,435 Togo1
13,447 Uganda1
492,292 Ukraine1
32,942 Uzbekistan1
2,057 Myanmar1
5,916 Mozambique1
480 Micronesia1
7,790 Zambia1
2,040 Mali1
2,078 Lesotho1
971 Seychelles1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
95,259 Italy45
409 Grenada41
159 Cayman Islands41
212,163 Russia41
7,175 Singapore41
374 Jersey39
13,773 Denmark39
722 The Bahamas35
23,443 Norway26
52,530 Belgium22
3,830 Luxembourg20
3,892 Guyana20
552 Bermuda16
5,153 Japan12
52,818 United Arab Emirates12
90,144 Germany11
5,118 Senegal11
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
17,098 Zimbabwe100
19,607 Greece98
5,861 Bulgaria93
361 Saint Lucia87
11,021 Chile81
15,572 Switzerland72
2,783 Jamaica71
1,354 Cyprus69
33,970 Netherlands66
14,205 Sweden65
6,628 Portugal65
138 Guernsey55
Countries with hundreds of Goddard:
9,345 France967
709 New Zealand947
1,112 Scotland709
106 Barbados582
5,685 Ghana479
9,937 Mexico471
578 Trinidad and Tobago380
34,683 Brazil334
18,059 Argentina299
17,339 Spain182
8,460 Venezuela176
2,061 Panama163
8,390 Israel130
1,995 Northern Ireland119
3,534 Ireland109
2,219 Hong Kong107
Countries with thousands of Goddard:
1,466 South Africa4,529
725 Australia4,168
1,359 Canada3,768
293 Wales1,174
Countries with ten thousands of Goddard:
2,183 United States18,501
350 England17,993
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

George Goddard was 33 years old when he migrated to USA during Irish famine on February 20, 1849. He lived in England where he worked as forgeman and took Arrick from Liverpool. George Goddard, Robert Goddard (24) Immigrant, Mechanic W. Goddard, Edward Goddard, aged 28, are other Goddard that migrated to US.


Xiao Nowicki
 Goddard is a fairly common surname, godard variation, the former name of baptism of German origin coming from god which means god and hard which means strong, tough.

Goddard Namesakes

  • Robert H. Goddard, Professor
  • Alexa Goddard, Singer
  • Alf Goddard, Film actor
  • Alta Mae Goddard, Paulette Goddard's mother
  • Frederick Goddard Tuckerman, Poet
  • Anthea Goddard, Author
  • Anthea Goddard, Author
  • Terry Goddard, Former Arizona Attorney General
  • Paulette Goddard, Actress
  • Beth Goddard, Actress
  • Sierra Goddard, from 0 comedy, horror movie Who Was Phone?, who characterized Boxer's Girlfriend.
  • Erica Goddard, from 2015 horror flick Diary of a Demon 3, who played N.
  • Andrew Goddard characterized key role of Drunkard in 2016 biography, sport film House of Flying Arrows.
  • In 2016, Luke Goddard portrayed the role of Marcus in adventure, history flick Il Constantia.

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