Hiddlestome is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 11 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Hiddlestome
No. of characters: 11
Origin: England
The variant of Huddlestone. A small parish in Yorkshire, which the family erewhile possessed though they deduce their name from king Athelstan.
The Hiddlestome is the variant form of Huddleston. One who came from Huddleston, i.e., Huda's homestead, in Yorkshire.
Is the variant of the Huddlestone. In the North of England, to huddle means to hurl; and hence the epitaph-
"Here lies Thomas Huddlestone! Reader don't smile,
But reflect while his tomb-stone you view;
For Death, who kill'd him, in a very short while,
Will huddle a stone upon you!".
How popular is Hiddlestome?
Related Family Names:
- Hiddlestone
- Hide (Japan)
- Hidemine
- Hidle
- Hiance
- Hibarte (Ireland, England)
- Hibble
- Hice (United States)
- Hichane (Ireland, England)
- Hicke
- Hickle (United States)
- Hidden
- Hidderley
- Hidding (Netherlands)
- Hiddink (Netherlands)
- Hiddleston
- Hiddlestone
- Hide (Japan)
- Hidemine
- Hidle
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