Iannaccone is used as a family name or surname in Italy. It is 10 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Iannaccone
No. of characters: 10
Origin: Italy

The Iannaccone is the variant form of Giannini. Descendant of little Giani, a pet form of Giovanni meaning "gracious gift of Jehovah".

How popular is Iannaccone?

Iannaccone is common in Italy, United States.

Iannaccone is ranked 92690 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Iannaccones plummeted by 5.51 per cent to 463 since 2000 and slipped by 4244 spots and ranked at 46037. The last name was found in around 2 per million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 93.09 97.14
Hispanic or Latino 5.62 2.45
Iannaccone is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Italy which signifies its Italy provenence. Around 5154 people have been found who wears Iannaccone as their family name. Iannaccone is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with thousands of Iannaccone:
2,405 Italy4,166
Countries with hundreds of Iannaccone:
41,100 United States745
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
35,131 England96
53,420 Argentina53
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
194,228 Brazil24
114,935 Canada21
43,230 Switzerland13
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 6 - 10:
78,608 Spain10
306,885 France9
266,530 Germany9

Iannaccone Namesakes

  • Laurence Iannaccone, Professor of Economics at Chapman University
  • Anthony Iannaccone, American composer and conductor

Iannaccone Namesakes

  • Laurence Iannaccone, Professor of Economics at Chapman University
  • Anthony Iannaccone, American composer and conductor

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