Kaday is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Kaday
No. of characters: 5
Origin: England

Lastname Kaday is a variation of the Cade. Not withstanding Shakspeare's allusion, it may be doubted whether the name is derived from cade, a barrel. Several Cades are mentioned in Hundred Rolls without prefix. |In addition to what I have said (ut supra) respecting the probable residence of Jack Cade, the arch rebel, at Heathfield, county of Sussex, I may mention that I have seen the will of another John Cade of Heath field, which was proved at Lewes so lately as the year 1600.

Kaday is the form of Cady. Descendant of little Cadda meaning "battle".

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