Kandy is used as a family name or surname in Sri Lanka. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Kandy
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Sri Lanka
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Kandy

How popular is Kandy?

Kandy is common in Sri Lanka.

Kandy is ranked 118604 on our list.

Kandy is not so popular last name but still a prevalent surname concentrated mainly in Sri Lanka which may be its originating country too. Around 3391 people have been found who wears Kandy as their family name. Kandy is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
103,759 Spain8
9,053 Senegal5
184,212 France3
4,881 Oman3
14,054 China3
19,452 Malaysia3
5,936 Bahrain2
139,444 Brazil2
21,529 Singapore2
40,256 Mexico2
20,186 Kenya2
89,020 Tanzania2
38,063 Mauritania1
53,033 Nigeria1
26,040 Trinidad and Tobago1
31,584 Peru1
30,360 Thailand1
13,447 Uganda1
15,705 Cameroon1
6,820 Angola1
24,771 Colombia1
42,479 Greece1
16,640 Hong Kong1
29,595 Iran1
31,207 Ireland1
49,529 Israel1
118,015 Netherlands1
17,768 Pakistan1
4,249 Cambodia1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
162,220 Indonesia44
103,933 Canada25
109,551 Australia13
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
56,298 England65
Countries with hundreds of Kandy:
12,659 Morocco403
9,426 Saudi Arabia346
4,305 United Arab Emirates229
1,984 Kuwait192
107,648 India192
1,820 Qatar136
157,427 United States127
Countries with thousands of Kandy:
1,683 Sri Lanka1,565
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Kandy Namesakes

  • Dona Catherina of Kandy, Karaliyadde Bandara of Kandy's daughter
  • Karaliyadde Bandara of Kandy, Dona Catherina of Kandy's father
  • Dona Catherina of Kandy, Karaliyadde Bandara of Kandy's daughter
  • Sir John D'Oyly, 1st Baronet, of Kandy, Poet
  • Jayaweera Astana of Kandy, Sena Sammatha Wickramabahu of Kandy's son
  • Dona Catherina of Kandy, Karaliyadde Bandara of Kandy's daughter
  • Sir John D'Oyly, 1st Baronet, of Kandy, Poet
  • Karaliyadde Bandara of Kandy, Dona Catherina of Kandy's father
  • Jayaweera Astana of Kandy, Sena Sammatha Wickramabahu of Kandy's son
  • H. Kandy Rohde, Author

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