Karke is used as a family name or surname in India. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Karke
No. of characters: 5
Origin: India
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Karke

How popular is Karke?

Karke is common in India.

Karke is ranked 88073 on our list.

Karke is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in India which signifies that it is originated from India. Around 4891 people have been found who wears Karke as their family name. Few people around the world have Karke as their surname. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
1,189,846 United States4
19,093 Finland2
144,523 Kazakhstan2
289,511 England1
77,122 Sweden1
107,212 South Africa1
Countries with thousands of Karke:
9,906 India4,880

Immigrants to US

From Ireland

Lou Karke worked as maid while Chas. Karke was Maid and hailed from Ireland. During the great famine, 10 years old Chas. embarked for USA from Liverpool on Manhattan and arrived on April 5, 1851.

Karke Namesakes

  • Admir Karkelja, Set decorator
  • Pro. Kuntinath Karke, Lyricist

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