Kejriwal is used as a family name or surname in Nepal. It is 8 characters long in length.
Family Name / Last Name: Kejriwal
No. of characters: 8
Origin: Nepal
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Kejriwal
How popular is Kejriwal?
Kejriwal is common in Nepal.
Kejriwal is ranked 54317 on our list.
Kejriwal is quite popular family name mostly used in India while Nepal is ahead in terms of density. Around 8657 people have been found who wears Kejriwal as their family name. Kejriwal is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:RankCountryCount
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
135,535 Australia9
4,997 Bangladesh4
90,215 Germany3
4,881 Oman3
14,054 China3
26,123 Malaysia2
40,064 Nigeria2
18,718 Thailand2
49,101 Denmark1
810,193 Indonesia1
25,721 Egypt1
118,015 Netherlands1
18,969 Wales1
16,640 Hong Kong1
81,201 Switzerland1
14,373 Jordan1
38,841 Scotland1
2,057 Myanmar1
66,560 Philippines1
47,891 Norway1
58,885 Poland1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
20,318 United Arab Emirates46
144,062 Canada16
29,517 New Zealand12
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
3,256 Qatar78
5,773 Singapore53
Countries with hundreds of Kejriwal:
122,419 United States175
31,938 England140
Countries with thousands of Kejriwal:
7,227 India7,015
968 Nepal1,081
Show Full Last Name Distribution
Kejriwal Namesakes
- Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi
- Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi
- Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi
- Gobind Ran Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's father
- Manoj Kejriwal, Film producer
- Manoj Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's brother
- Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi
- Ranjana Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's sister
- Sunita Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's wife
- Harshita Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's daughter
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You might not know the meaning of Kejriwal surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Kejriwal and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Kejriwal is originated?