Kilan is used as a family name or surname in Ireland. It is 5 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Kilan
No. of characters: 5
Origin: Ireland

Kilan is the variant form of William. It is the parent of a greater number of surnames than any other baptismal appellation. The following are the chief derivatives:- Fitz-William, Mac-William, Ap-William, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Willes, Wilks, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkie, Wilkinson, Wickens, Wickeson, Wickerson, Willson and Wilson, Willcock and Wilcocke, Willcocks, Woolcock, Wilcox, Wilcockson, Wilcoxon , Willet, Willott, Willatts, Wilmot, Willmott, Willomat, Willy and Willey, Willé, Willis. Also Bill, Bilson, and Bill An old provincial nickname of William is Till,—whence Tilson, Tillott, Tillotson, Tilly, and Tillie. Guilliam, Gilliam, Guillim, Gillett, Gillott, and Gilliat are also from this fecund source, as well as numerous continental surnames, which, though found in our directories, can hardly as yet be reckoned as naturalized amongst us. This Christian name has produced many offshoots in France. M. de Gerville remarks: "Of Guilleaume, or Villeaume, we have formed Guillot, Guillotte, Guillard, Villot, Villard, Guillemin, Villemain, Guillemette, Guilmard, Guilmot, Guilmoto, and Guillemino."

Lastname is variation of Gillingham. Parishes in counties Dorset, Kent, and Norfolk.

Surname Kilan is variant of William. Descendant of William meaning "resolution, helmet".

The lastname is the form of the Killeen. Grandson of Cillin, a pet form of Ceallach meaning "war".

Family name is variation of Dillingham. One who came from Dullingham, i.e., the village of Dulla's people, in Cambridgeshire.

The variation of Gilliam. Descendant of Guilliam meaning "resolution, helmet," the name of William as influenced by the French Guillaume.

Family name is the form of Killian. Grandson of Cillin or Cillean, pet forms of Ceallach meaning "war".

Family name is the variant form of the Williams. William's or of William. Wilhelm, willing or devoted defender or protector.

Surname is the variant form of Guillard. William.

The family name Kilan is a variant form of the Gilliam. See William - It is the parent of a greater number of surnames than any other baptismal appellation. The following are the chief derivatives:- Fitz-William, Mac-William, Ap-William, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Willes, Wilks, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkie, Wilkinson, Wickens, Wickeson, Wickerson, Willson and Wilson, Willcock and Wilcocke, Willcocks, Woolcock, Wilcox, Wilcockson, Wilcoxon , Willet, Willott, Willatts, Wilmot, Willmott, Willomat, Willy and Willey, Willé, Willis. Also Bill, Bilson, and Bill An old provincial nickname of William is Till,—whence Tilson, Tillott, Tillotson, Tilly, and Tillie. Guilliam, Gilliam, Guillim, Gillett, Gillott, and Gilliat are also from this fecund source, as well as numerous continental surnames, which, though found in our directories, can hardly as yet be reckoned as naturalized amongst us. This Christian name has produced many offshoots in France. M. de Gerville remarks: "Of Guilleaume, or Villeaume, we have formed Guillot, Guillotte, Guillard, Villot, Villard, Guillemin, Villemain, Guillemette, Guilmard, Guilmot, Guilmoto, and Guillemino."

The variant of the Guilliam. See William - It is the parent of a greater number of surnames than any other baptismal appellation. The following are the chief derivatives:- Fitz-William, Mac-William, Ap-William, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Willes, Wilks, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkie, Wilkinson, Wickens, Wickeson, Wickerson, Willson and Wilson, Willcock and Wilcocke, Willcocks, Woolcock, Wilcox, Wilcockson, Wilcoxon , Willet, Willott, Willatts, Wilmot, Willmott, Willomat, Willy and Willey, Willé, Willis. Also Bill, Bilson, and Bill An old provincial nickname of William is Till,—whence Tilson, Tillott, Tillotson, Tilly, and Tillie. Guilliam, Gilliam, Guillim, Gillett, Gillott, and Gilliat are also from this fecund source, as well as numerous continental surnames, which, though found in our directories, can hardly as yet be reckoned as naturalized amongst us. This Christian name has produced many offshoots in France. M. de Gerville remarks: "Of Guilleaume, or Villeaume, we have formed Guillot, Guillotte, Guillard, Villot, Villard, Guillemin, Villemain, Guillemette, Guilmard, Guilmot, Guilmoto, and Guillemino."

The lastname Kilan is variant of Quilliams. A strongly aspirated form of Williams.

How popular is Kilan?

Immigrants to US

From Germany

Ilise Kilan was 17 years old when she migrated to Bonn on June 4, 1887. She lived in Helmbrecht, Germany and took Ems from Bremen. Wilhelm Kilan, aged 27, are other Kilan that migrated to US.

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