Koirala is used as a family name or surname in Nepal. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Koirala
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Nepal
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Koirala

How popular is Koirala?

Koirala is common in Nepal.

Koirala is ranked 3428 on our list.

There are about 624 people in US who wears Koirala as surname and ranked 35945 in US Census Bureau. In 2010 census, the last name was found in around 2 per 1 million. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010
Asian and Native Hawaiian
& Other Pacific Islander
Others 1.92
White 1.44
Koirala is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Nepal which signifies that it is originated from Nepal. Around 158098 people have been found who wears Koirala as their family name. Koirala is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
96,935 Spain10
3,712 Iceland10
9,568 Thailand8
1,179 South Korea7
7,646 Japan7
318,252 Ukraine6
7,031 China6
4,343 Bangladesh5
122,390 Belarus4
351 Bhutan3
4,881 Oman3
7,294 Kuwait3
54,641 Sweden2
9,185 Hong Kong2
40,064 Nigeria2
24,766 Scotland2
54,135 Philippines2
5,726 Puerto Rico2
4,367 Afghanistan2
50,640 Switzerland2
37,493 Austria1
15,162 Costa Rica1
4,249 Cambodia1
897,276 Russia1
107,212 South Africa1
199,150 Kazakhstan1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
10,190 Bahrain1
32,942 Uzbekistan1
17,768 Pakistan1
17,236 Ghana1
58,885 Poland1
2,724 New Caledonia1
91,024 Belgium1
700 Somalia1
31,207 Ireland1
4,435 Togo1
13,447 Uganda1
49,529 Israel1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
95,259 Italy45
17,488 Norway39
13,773 Denmark39
11,444 Portugal28
15,050 Singapore18
24,534 New Zealand17
78,557 Netherlands13
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
53,461 Canada57
Countries with hundreds of Koirala:
67,249 United States370
3,062 United Arab Emirates336
10,478 Saudi Arabia308
24,100 England204
50,182 Germany202
14,404 Australia188
1,820 Qatar136
13,194 Malaysia126
6,877 Finland109
Countries with thousands of Koirala:
16,991 India2,575
Countries with hundred thousands of Koirala:
37 Nepal153,181
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Koirala Namesakes

  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Anuradha Koirala, Activist
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Ila Dalmia Koirala, Ramkrishna Dalmia's daughter
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress
  • In 2014, Raj Ballav Koirala portrayed the role of Suraj in drama, romance movie Ritu.

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