Lama is used as a family name or surname in Nepal. It is 4 characters long in length.
How popular is Lama?
Lama is common in Nepal.
Lama is ranked 980 on our list.
As per 2010 US census, number of Lamas grew by 67.78219 per cent to 2958 since 2000 and ranked 10782 after elevating 4517 spots. The last name was found in around 10 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.
Race | 2010 | 2000 |
Asian and Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander | 56.69 | 33.47 |
White | 24.92 | 40.33 |
Hispanic or Latino | 15.11 | 17.41 |
Others | 2.06 | 7.26 |
Black | 1.05 | 1.53 |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.17 | 0 |
Lama is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Nepal which signifies that it is originated from Nepal. Around 539550 people have been found who wears Lama as their family name. Lama is used widely across the globe.
More detailed information can be found below: RankCountryCount
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
1,975 Maldives8
18,563 Nigeria7
8,969 Armenia7
60,971 Kyrgyzstan6
95,557 Czech Republic6
854 Yemen6
1,730 Democratic Republic of The Congo5
8,689 Pakistan4
59,967 Moldova4
8,411 Costa Rica4
528 Laos3
8,993 Tunisia3
9,500 Ghana3
11,342 Uruguay3
2,444 Sudan3
8,296 Sri Lanka3
4,529 Mauritius3
70,383 Tanzania3
9,077 Lithuania3
1,151 Brunei2
5,217 Zambia2
7,574 Bangladesh2
4,744 Macedonia2
1,347 Liberia2
20,186 Kenya2
5,298 Botswana2
2,835 Libya2
5,139 Bolivia2
37,372 Georgia2
6,353 Panama2
6,820 Angola1
2,505 Congo1
4,249 Cambodia1
6,033 Benin1
3,307 Malta1
1,253 Burundi1
26,040 Trinidad and Tobago1
19,810 Croatia1
2,877 Cuba1
971 Seychelles1
537 Liechtenstein1
4,171 Rwanda1
12,745 Luxembourg1
2,040 Mali1
2,309 Monaco1
2,024 Mongolia1
5,916 Mozambique1
2,057 Myanmar1
6,212 Jamaica1
20,172 Hungary1
48,575 Azerbaijan1
18,969 Wales1
880 Djibouti1
2,361 United States Virgin Islands1
11,486 Estonia1
6,149 Ethiopia1
13,447 Uganda1
1,005 The Gambia1
2,613 The Bahamas1
5,872 Namibia1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
6,191 Burkina Faso49
3,075 Cyprus34
62,367 Kazakhstan33
14,372 Serbia30
9,692 Ireland27
2,793 Japan26
2,197 China20
49,545 Belarus20
646 Cayman Islands11
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
932 Thailand92
19,740 Romania84
1,532 Senegal82
9,157 New Zealand76
6,953 Scotland72
9,137 Denmark64
4,532 Mauritania63
16,052 Sweden58
727 Iceland54
Countries with hundreds of Lama:
3,900 Cameroon892
1,959 Ecuador829
419 Kuwait784
10,591 Turkey699
8,817 Argentina612
1,011 Honduras592
26,902 Russia592
11,594 Poland525
2,422 Israel471
9,005 Canada448
29,119 Brazil413
8,291 Australia342
5,114 Colombia314
2,051 Oman248
3,873 Guatemala246
5,084 Switzerland234
1,368 Taiwan232
6,997 Venezuela226
1,129 Hong Kong225
24,533 Ukraine224
1,344 Latvia219
9,921 Belgium186
856 Bahrain183
30,064 South Africa183
1,923 El Salvador172
8,140 Austria157
3,633 Portugal148
13,267 Greece147
1,802 Puerto Rico136
430 Macau134
21,335 Netherlands124
6,322 Finland121
6,819 Norway111
3,201 Singapore106
Countries with thousands of Lama:
714 Saudi Arabia5,156
1,122 Peru3,976
812 Afghanistan3,796
417 Dominican Republic3,533
189 Papua New Guinea3,487
293 South Korea3,190
11,410 United States3,143
2,673 Egypt3,064
3,459 Italy2,934
1,828 Spain2,795
2,371 Algeria2,767
314 United Arab Emirates2,706
1,613 Iraq2,659
2,475 Morocco2,014
478 Jordan1,973
943 Chile1,970
3,668 Mexico1,911
1,554 Malaysia1,872
5,003 France1,665
496 Lebanon1,631
8,665 Indonesia1,497
1,686 Ivory Coast1,461
71 Bhutan1,434
319 Albania1,360
11,003 Philippines1,353
6,162 England1,145
8,780 Germany1,110
133 Qatar1,109
Countries with ten thousands of Lama:
676 India96,529
165 Syria14,991
96 Guinea10,996
Countries with hundred thousands of Lama:
9 Nepal338,017
Show Full Last Name Distribution
Immigrants to US
From Italy
Laborer A. Lama from Rotterdam, Italy aboard the Germanic from Liverpool. He is registered to be 19 years old when he arrived in USA on September 5, 1885. 29 years old Angela Lama, 36 years old Francesco Lama, Farmer L. Lama, Lazaro Lama, aged 23, Farmer Maria Lama, 21 years old Pasquale Lama, Rachela Lama, aged 20, Raffaela Lama, aged 25, are others that migrated to US from Genoa, Unknown, Liverpool & Queenstown and Marseilles & Naples.
Lama Namesakes
- Abdel Lamanje, Soccer player
- Abelardo de Lamare, Soccer player
- John Basil Lamar, American Politician
- Adriana Lamar, Film actress
- 5th Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama
- AJ Lamas, Actor
- Akansha Lama, Musical Artist
- Alain Lamassoure, French Politician
- Alphonse de Lamartine, Writer
- Hedy Lamarr, Film actress
- Nicola Lama, from 2013 comedy movie Vendo ou Alugo, who played Manoel.
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