Lazzaroni is used as a family name or surname in Italy. It is 9 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Lazzaroni
No. of characters: 9
Origin: Italy
Meaning: Common Italian name in Lombardy, plural form of Lazzarone (Piedmont), himself augmentative Lazzaro, which is the French Lazare (qv). The name Lazzaro is focused in Veneto and in southern Italy. The plural form Lazzari is found in the north and in Lecce. Other derivatives Lazzaro Lazzarelli (Tuscany), Lazzareschi (Tuscany), Lazzaretti (Emilia-Romagna), Lazzarin (Veneto), Lazzarina, Lazzarino, Lazzarini, and from Lazzeri (Corsica, Tuscany), Lazzereschi, Lazzeretti, Lazzerini , Lazzeroni. Forms with a single z: Lazaro, Lazari, Lazarelli, Lazareschi, Lazaretti, Lazarin, Lazarini, Lazaroni.

How popular is Lazzaroni?

Lazzaroni is common in Italy.

Lazzaroni is ranked 67458 on our list.

As per 2010 US census, number of Lazzaronis grew by 16.66667 per cent to 119 since 2000 and ranked 140157 after elevating 8087 spots. The last name was found in around 0 per 1 million population. Please refer to following table for race and ethnicity.

Race 2010 2000
White 87.39 85.29
Hispanic or Latino 9.24 5.88
Lazzaroni is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in Italy which signifies that it is originated from Italy. Around 6720 people have been found who wears Lazzaroni as their family name. Lazzaroni is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
103,759 Spain8
90,215 Germany3
18,625 Japan2
40,256 Mexico2
54,135 Philippines2
123,175 Tanzania1
37,493 Austria1
19,533 Uruguay1
83,428 United Arab Emirates1
7,110 Bosnia1
586 San Marino1
2,309 Monaco1
29,595 Iran1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
37,591 Belgium37
94,027 England32
133,639 Canada18
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
15,572 Switzerland72
Countries with hundreds of Lazzaroni:
6,453 Argentina821
1,362 Honduras370
26,927 France367
34,683 Brazil334
136,229 United States153
21,878 Australia113
Countries with thousands of Lazzaroni:
2,155 Italy4,378
Show Full Last Name Distribution

Immigrants to US

From Italy

Farmer A. Lazzaroni from Italy aboard the La Touraine from Havre. He is registered to be 41 years old when he arrived in New York on October 5, 1891. Amerigo Lazzaroni (31) Farmer, 22 years old Antonio Lazzaroni, 37 years old Bartolo Lazzaroni, 41 years old Bertola Lazzaroni, 24 years old Carmela Lazzaroni, 29 years old Casimiro Lazzaroni, Dom. Lazzaroni (13) Dressmaker, Egidio Lazzaroni (23) Merchant, and 6 other Lazzaroni around 33.33% of whom were farmer while others worked as miner and laborer migrated to US from Genoa & Gibraltar, Havre, Naples and Boulogne & Rotterdam.

Lazzaroni Namesakes

  • Fenix Lazzaroni, Actor

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