Lowthe is used as a family name or surname in England. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Lowthe
No. of characters: 6
Origin: England

Surname Lowthe is form of Lowth. 1. From Louth, the Lincolnshire town. 2. The Norman surname Lovet is sometimes spelt Loueth in Domesday Book.

Lowthe is the variant form of Macleod. Son of Leod; but who he was is not quite clear. Malcolm, son of Tormod Macleod, obtained a charter from King David II before 1360.

The lastname is variation of Cloud. Dweller near the rock or mass of stone; the son of Leod meaning "ugly".

The lastname Lowthe is form of Loud. Dweller near the Loud, i.e., the loud one, a river in Lancashire.

A variant of McCloud. Variant of McLeod that means son of Leod meaning "ugly".

The family name Lowthe is variant of MacLeod. The son of Leod that means ugly.

The Lowthe is a variant of Cloud. In Scotland, M'Cloud is the corruption of Mac Leod.

A variant form of the Lude. An estate in Blair Athol, Perthshire, which formerly had possessors of the same Street.

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