Mahoeny is used as a family name or surname in Ireland. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Mahoeny
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Ireland

The lastname Mahoeny is a variant of the Mahony. Anciently O'Mahony, powerful chieftains in Munster, possessing large estates on the sea coast of Kerry and Cork. B.L.G.

The family name Mahoeny is a variation of Mahoney. Grandson of Mathghamhain meaning "bear".

Lastname is the variation of O'Mahony. The O'Mahonys of Desmond are named from Mahon, son of Kian, king of Desmond, who fell at Clontarf in 1014. "The O'Mahonys were powerful chieftains in Munster, and had extensive estates along the sea-coast of Cork and Kerry. Opposite Horse Island, off the former county, was their castle of Rosbrin, boldly erected on a rock over the sea; and its proprietor, availing himself of the natural advantage it possessed, led a life of such successful piracy that Sir George Carew, when lord president, was obliged to destroy it."

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